Gaps between teeth are awkward spaces between two or several teeth that might affect anyone. For example, you might become a victim of diastema, a single gap between the front two teeth, or several gaps in your teeth. Although appearing ungainly gaps between teeth are treatable, combining orthodontic intervention and prosthetic work.
The issues arising from gaps between teeth are comfortably managed by the dentist in Bay City, TX, or orthodontists with the help of visible braces or Invisalign. These options are excellent for correcting the problem and creating healthy and correctly aligned bites for patients regardless of age.
Gaps between front teeth might develop because it is related to gum disease. Diastema is a condition when gaps appear between the two front teeth and is generally a cosmetic issue. Diastema is a common problem among many people causing spaces to develop between their front two teeth.
Fixing gaps between your teeth is not challenging because you can have closed the condition of diastema using ceramic braces in merely six to eight months. If the gaps are insignificant, the cosmetic dentist in Bay City helps close them, suggesting cosmetic dentistry procedures like dental bonding or veneers to hide the spaces. However, if the spaces are significant, you might require extensive treatment or more complex therapies requiring a year or two before you succeed in closing the openings.
As mentioned earlier, dentistry advances now make available multiple therapies to close spaces between your front teeth without enduring the ungainly metal and wire orthodontic braces remaining visible in your mouth. Alternatives like ceramic braces created from dental-grade porcelain also help close the gaps between your teeth. These nearly invisible braces function similarly to their metal counterparts, giving you the flexibility to keep your treatment hidden. Therefore if you have gaps between your teeth, discuss your situation with the Bay City dentist to receive a suggestion for a cosmetic dentistry procedure helpful to improve the appearance of your teeth and smile.
Dental bonding is the most conservative cosmetic dentistry process helpful to hide minor dental flaws with your teeth, including chips, cracks, discoloration, and gaps between your teeth. Cosmetic dentists provide dental bonding treatment to many patients helping cover their dental defects in one short appointment at their office, completing the treatment in 30 to 60 minutes per tooth. The bonding procedure isn’t intensive and doesn’t need tooth structure removal, and has no downtime. Instead, the dentist merely applies tooth-colored composite resin to the gapped teeth after etching their surfaces and polishing the resin after hardening it with ultraviolet light.
If you have several gaps between your teeth and are reluctant to seek orthodontic treatment with ceramic or metal braces, you can consider a revolutionary therapy enabling you to close the spaces between your teeth using dental grade BPA-free clear plastic braces in six to 18 months, pivoting on the severity of the condition affecting you. The Invisalign system remains inconspicuous over your teeth because the braces are virtually invisible. However, you must wear the braces for over 22 hours daily to succeed with your goal of eliminating spaces between your teeth.
Not everyone is born with diastema or gaps between their teeth. Many people lose teeth due to injuries, infections, or tooth removal. Gaps developing between teeth due to tooth loss are better closed immediately to avoid the severe consequences of tooth loss affecting you. The effects include jawbone deterioration, indigestion, sagging facial appearance, and orthodontic imperfections that create additional gaps between your teeth besides a bad bite.
Tooth loss is better closed with solutions like dental implants embedded deep into your jawbone to substitute the tooth roots you lost with your tooth. However, the procedure for dental implants is lengthy. It requires over a year to achieve the dual benefits of closing the gap between your teeth and preventing additional spaces from developing because you did not consider the consequences of tooth loss and delayed the treatment for too long. You might consider alternative options like dentures or dental bridges also helpful to replace missing teeth. Unfortunately, they don’t substitute the tooth root leaving your jawbone vulnerable to deterioration. Therefore dental implants are the optimal option to close the spaces between your teeth and prevent additional gaps from developing in the mouth.
Dr. Teeth Dental Care — Bay City, provides treatments for gaps between your teeth, helping close them using a variety of procedures. Whether you are affected by diastema or gaps between your teeth, consult this practice to receive treatment for healthy teeth and a beautiful smile.